5 Ways to Improve in 2021
Jan. 7, 2021
Now that 2020 is behind us, it is time to look ahead at a new year and a new start. While you don’t have to wait for New Year’s to set a goal and start improving your life, there’s no time like January to put your goals front and center.
BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina’s health coaches talk with members daily, providing support for physical and mental health goals. Here’s a look at what our health coaches will be working on for themselves this year.
Get Moving
My focus in the new year will be exercise. I must admit that as a health coach I sit all day talking on the phone giving others advice about healthy lifestyles. I have been pretty sedentary for the past few years. I just recently found an exercise that is based on Latin dances and is a fun way to get active. I have already started easing into it but plan to ramp things up as I have some new goals for 2021. I’m not necessarily focused on weight loss, but I want to lose inches and build up my cardio stamina. I’m up for the challenge!
— Karen Whitaker Bynum, health coach
Focus on Gratitude
This year I was forced to face the most traumatic experience of my life, losing my mother, who was my best friend. Her favorite color was blue. As I researched the meaning of the color blue, I found that blue has positive effects on the body, as it produces chemicals that are calming and exudes feelings of tranquility. However, too much blue creates the feelings of negativity and sadness. We do not have the power to control some things that take place in our lives, though our true power is in the way we choose to deal with those things. I choose to continue to focus on this life-changing event in a positive manner. In 2021 I will focus on cultivating gratitude because it opens the door for positive energy, improves physical health, mental health, sleep patterns and much more.
— Miranda Steib, health coach
Coping and Growing
2020 was truly overwhelming. My mother had COVID-19, and that was a stressful time. On a brighter note, she has recovered. Mom had me later in life and recently celebrated her 101st birthday. She is still strong and sound of mind.
What I plan to add to my New Year’s resolution is yoga and meditation. I hope to relax and calm my mind for a more peaceful state, while increasing my self-awareness, focus and concentration. I hope this will also boost my energy and mood while improving relationships.
— Angela Moore, health coach
Improvements at Work
My professional goal as a health coach is to become more educated on diabetes as it is a rising concern in the United States. About 75 percent of the members that I help have diabetes. While I am a respiratory therapist by training, diabetes is a comorbidity many of the pulmonary patients I speak with have. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention* (CDC), as of 2020, 34.2 million people in the United States have diabetes. Those numbers are staggering, and I would like to make an impact on members’ health by having the most up-to-date information to share with them.
— Elyce Jennings, health coach
Always Learning
Since we are all battling the global pandemic, 2021 will be dedicated to developing my life at home. I am accustomed to traveling, working and going out to events. I have neglected what I love to do alone. I started developing a list of activities that bring me joy and look forward to taking some cooking and cosmetic courses online with Dr. Google and YouTube University.
— Felicia Smith, health coach
Recently our health coaches have offered ideas on how to treat yourself every day, stay healthy at home and steps to take for a healthier year.
*The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is an independent organization that offers health information you may find helpful.

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