Staying Healthy During the Back-to-School Rush

Aug. 26, 2022
Children spend more time at school than in any other environment away from home. Schools provide a unique opportunity for partnerships focused on the child’s social, psychological, physical and mental development.
Diabetes Free SC (DFSC) is supporting two complementary organizations that focus on school-based wellness: the Alliance for a Healthier Generation and the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) Boeing Center for Children’s Wellness. Both organizations work with schools and school districts across our state to ensure our schools are the healthiest places they can be — for students, staff, families and communities.
In the back-to-school spirit, DFSC offers some of its favorite tips to make sure your family stays healthy during this busy time of year.
Plan meals ahead of time.
This is the busiest time of year for many families with school-aged children or for those who work in education. We often sacrifice healthy eating as we grab quick, convenient foods to save time.
Consider meal planning or putting together make-ahead freezer meals that you can get on the table quickly and easily. Rotate with your friends or neighbors to share healthy meals during the first few weeks of school. Remember to keep fresh, healthy fruits and vegetables as the stars of the menu!
Stay active.
Take advantage of opportunities to move more on your way to or from school. Try to walk or bike when the weather allows.
Do you live in a rural community or in an area where walking or biking to school isn’t possible? Talk to your school and other families about coordinating safe walk-to-school events from a designated meeting place.
Take a deep breath.
While a new school year is exciting, it is often a busy and stressful time for many families. Remember to take time for yourself, especially when schedules and to-do lists get overwhelming. Try meditating, reading, walking or practicing a hobby.
Be sure to check in on your neighbors and the students in your life. Setting a good example and encouraging conversations about mental and emotional health can help create positive, lifelong habits for children and youth.

The schools are ready and teachers prepared to welcome kids back to classrooms across the state. But before the first day, learn how BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina’s Dr. Derick Wenning, an associate medical director, says parents can set their kids up for a healthy school year.
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Diabetes Free SC (DFSC) is expanding its efforts to eliminate diabetes in our state with three new funded initiatives. DFSC is a long-term solution to address health care gaps and reduce diabetes in South Carolina. The newest initiatives funded by DFSC will focus on adult nutrition, children’s wellness and women’s health.
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To combat the rise of Type 2 Diabetes in children and to help South Carolinians form healthier habits, Diabetes Free SC (DFSC) is working with two complementary organizations that focus on school-based wellness programs over a three-year period.
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