How BlueCross Supports National Disability Employment Awareness Month
Oct. 10, 2019

Gayel Wigfall has worked in Human Resources with BlueCross for nearly 23 years. She is a diversity and inclusion consultant for the company.
BlueCross is always looking for organizations to share employment opportunities with. Please contact us for more information.
Email UsBy Gayel Wigfall
I started working in Human Resources at BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina nearly 23 years ago. One of the first meetings I attended was with one of our community disability partners. Outreach has been a part of our work in Human Resources since before I arrived. It has always been a part of our values.
One of my responsibilities as a diversity and Inclusion consultant is to continue that legacy and build community relationships. These partnerships contribute to a diversified pipeline of candidates. We realize that the diversity of talent, skills, abilities and perspectives contributes to the innovation and creativity that keeps us at the forefront of our industry.
This includes outreach to the disability community. A disability is defined as “a mental or physical impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities.”
One in five South Carolinians live with a disability. This is a large and underutilized segment of the population.
October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month. This year’s theme, “The Right Talent, Right Now,” emphasizes the fact that the people with disabilities represent a largely untapped pool of talent.
One of the biggest hurdles in employment for individuals with disabilities is other people’s perceptions. People often associate disability with incapability, and that’s not true. People with disabilities are capable, ready and able to work.
At BlueCross, we recognize that people with disabilities are people first. They may manage their life activities differently. In some cases, that may mean using a mobility device, a service animal or some type of assistive technology. In other cases, no accommodation may be needed at all.
We work with organizations like the Commission for the Blind, Able South Carolina, the South Carolina Vocational Rehabilitation Department and Work in Progress, to name a few. We support their employment efforts with trainings and better understanding of what employers are looking for in applicants.
These organizations’ goal is to support people with disabilities efforts to be gainfully employed so they can lead independent lives. Our goal is to hire talent. Partnering together makes perfect sense.
Our involvement with these organizations helps promote our employment opportunities at BlueCross within the disability community. We are very proud of the genuine relationships we have with our partners.
Because BlueCross represents all of South Carolina, we want our employees to do the same. Employees representing the various communities in which we do business makes perfect sense.
Once a candidate is hired, we want to make sure that the work experience is positive. We want employees to know they are valued, that their skills and abilities are appreciated and recognized. We want to create an inclusive environment that solicits the best from our employees.
It matters how people are treated. My philosophy is simple: when someone feels cared for and cared about, they will care for others. They will care about the employer and the employer’s customers.
We want candidates and employees of all abilities to know if they have the talent, skills and experience, there is a place for them here.