May 2021

Every May, we celebrate nurses — registered nurses, nurse practitioners, licensed practical nurses and others — who have dedicated their work to helping others. BlueCross employs hundreds of nurses who help our members every day. Meet a few of our stellar nurses making a difference for our members.
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Diabetes Free SC (DFSC) launched in 2020 with a mission to reduce health care gaps and improve the health of all South Carolinians affected by diabetes. Part of that effort includes focusing on prenatal health to improve pregnancy outcomes in women with diabetes.
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BlueCross is inspired each year by companies that go above and beyond in promoting health and wellness to their employees. We recognize these companies every year with the LiveLifeBlue awards. There’s a lot to learn from the work these companies do to promote wellness.
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In the last year, mental health care has been top of mind as we collectively struggle with the pandemic, economic worries and stress. The number of Americans seeking help for mental health has skyrocketed. Here's some insight on how to get started with taking care of your mental health.
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National Bike Month every May is the perfect time to get back in the pedals. The benefits of biking are numerous. It is good for your physical and mental health. It is good for the environment. It can also be a great way to get outside to explore the Palmetto State.
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As the world moves to recover as much prepandemic life as possible, the question becomes how the pandemic will change behavioral health care long term. BlueCross' Dr. April Richardson offers insight into the future of behavioral health care.
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