August 2020

Since the start of the pandemic in March, thousands of South Carolinians have lost their jobs. One of the first steps to looking for employment opportunities is to get your resume updated. BlueCross recruiter Sharon Ellington shared some of her top resume tips to get yours to the top of the pile.
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The coronavirus pandemic has raised dozens of questions. We spoke with one of BlueCross' doctors to get answers to some common questions.
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The pandemic has significantly affected our nation’s mental health, creating new obstacles for people already struggling from a behavioral health condition. As the pandemic continues, Americans are reporting sharply elevated levels of anxiety and stress. This creates new urgency around providing your employees behavioral health care that’s easier to access and more affordable.
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Undoubtedly, vaccines have been on everyone’s mind since the start of the pandemic. Several vaccines for COVID-19 are under development. Here are the basics on vaccines and the flu shot and why you should make sure you and your family members are up to date on your vaccines.
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