Small Group Plan Schedules and Benefit Change Information

Nov. 21, 2024

Our 2025 schedule for small group enrollment submissions for Business BlueEssentialsSM and BlueMeasureSM  are now available! Download the schedule here. As a reminder, we encourage you to follow the dates in PHASE I of the schedule to ensure a timely delivery of ID cards and fulfillment materials. Phases II and III groups risk not having pharmacy eligibility and benefits available by the desired effective date. 

Also available are the new Individual Coverage Health Reimbursement Arrangements (ICHRA) Administrative Services Agreement and Payroll Express form. These forms are required to be uploaded into Group Solutions for all new groups.

ICHRA Enrollment Forms and Tools: 

Small Group Enrollment Forms and Tools
Business BlueEssentials ACA Enrollments: 

BlueMeasure Level Funded Enrollments: 

Once completed, submit a secure email with all your enrollment information to Completion time and phase determination is contingent upon receiving a completed package. Submitting the enrollment spreadsheet will reduce membership processing time by one day. 

Submitting Group Benefit Changes at Renewal
If an existing group wishes to make a plan change, refer to the Group Rework Agent Checklist. You can also view the Paperwork Submissions Dates and Guidelines for group benefit changes in 2025. 

Group Cancellations 
If a group wishes to cancel their group coverage, we ask that they fill out the Coverage Cancellation Request and return it to or fax to 803-264-0143. The completed form needs to be submitted a week prior to the group requested termination date to stop further claim payments. 

More Tools and Resources
The Small Group Benefit Coordinators Guide is full of information and a great reference tool for group administrators to use throughout the year.

Please contact your tax advisor for assistance in completing the 1095-C form.